Just got my mail in ballot for the upcoming June 3rd elections, here, in California. Starting from Governor, many public posts are up for elections and I hope Californians take some time to research and cast a strong vote. After seeing the incredible voting percents from India, I want to see a vibrant voter turn out here too!
Two of my friends are also standing for public office- to represent our District in San Jose. Both are good people (read uncorrupt). When both of them reached out to me in early November to support them, it was a very difficult choice to make. But after I sat down with my "grid of parameters" I ended up choosing one over the other. Susan, here is my vote for you. (I must confess that I have a strong propensity to support women in public posts, provided they have a solid track record or I know them personally enough to have seen their capability.) Women tend to problem-solve in very different ways from men. All the more if she happens to be a mother!
That said, I am concerned about the state of my city- roads that haven't seen fresh layer of tarmac laid over and potholes smoothed over in several sections of town; improved police coverage for a city that officially crossed the million mark last month (as we do not count un/official "immigrants"); bringing the budget to a surplus condition; improved land use and attracting more businesses to the city.
The state has finally learned to balance the books thanks to Mr. Brown's effort and just for that, he is getting my vote. Any person who deals with a whining opposition and balances the books will get my vote. Yes, sometimes when the going gets tough, the tough get going and all this political pandering that allows budgets to get off kilter do not sit well with me. I don't know why public office immediately reverses all common sense. We teach our kids and we learn to live within our budgets (ok, I am not the "average" American household with a truckload of debt- I was brought up in a middle class Indian milieu where being in debt was considered a "sin" and so I was cautioned all along to live within my means). So, why can't cities and states and countries?
That said, Mr. Ro Khanna, an American of Indian descent is challenging long-reigning Mike Honda for the Congress seat in District 17. Personally, I like Mr. Honda, he has been a true friend to the diverse population of the Bay Area and has served us well. Of course, I cannot vote for him as my rep will be Anna Eshoo, an incumbent thanks to that rezoning of constituencies a few years ago that made my borough (or rather precinct as we call it here in the US) part of the "richer, Palo Alto, Los Gatos zone", getting cut out of the middle class San Jose neighborhood zone which will be voting for District 17. Ms. Eshoo's office took care of us at our last year's DC trip.
My appeal to all my fellow Californians, please do not give up your right to vote by staying home- the date is June 3rd and as it is we have only 69.51% of eligible voters registered- that is almost the percent of eligible voters in India who voted last month! Whatever your personal choice of candidates, please read up on them and their background and cast your vote.
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